donderdag 2 augustus 2012

The vortex, Charlie

Recently I've discovered there's a vortex on my desk.
I'm not quite sure why it's there or who's on the other side, but it's most definitely there.

I'll explain.

At my internship, I have a desk. A shitty wobbly one. I try not to touch it too much - I fear it might collapse. I've made a desk (partly) collapse once, in a classroom in Russia, and I can assure you, it's not a good time. Good thing I feel no shame, but still, not fun to accidentaly vandalize a classroom when you're trying to make a good impression.

So, my desk. Not only is it shitty. It is also very mysterious.

And it has a vortex.

The first time the possibility of having a vortex on my very own desk came to my mind, was when I lost two pens. They were gone one morning. I had put them precisely between my computer screen and keyboard, and they had disappeared. I posted the idea about the vortex on my twitter feed and got mocked. Like all the great minds of the world, I suppose.


Yesterday I started the eight and final week of my internship. I had not been at the office for two weeks, so I came back completely energized and happy (Bazinga. It was 9 o'clock in the morning. I'm neither energized nor happy in the morning. Ever.).

When I went to sit down at my desk, I saw it.

There it was.

Between my computer screen and my keyboard.

One of the lost pens. The red one.

I used it all day and put it back where it belongs - close to the vortex - and left. When I arrived at the office today, it was gone again.

But the second lost pen was back.

The blue one.

So there you go. The vortex giveth and the vortex taketh away.

So cool.

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